All school fees must be approved by the IEA Board of Directors before they are published, unless prior approval of interim fee announcements is given by the Chief Executive Officer. The Board will need to be satisfied that the proposed fees are adequate to meet needs identified in the school's budget.
A school may set different levels of fees for various client groups in the school.
A school may charge different levels of fees for the provision of different levels of service.
To ensure that control is exercised over fee collection the following points must be observed:
- At the start of each term no student is to be admitted to the school if school fees are outstanding from any prior year.
- At the start of each term no student is to be admitted to the school if school fees are outstanding from any prior term in the current year.
- No student may commence school if school fees have not been paid before the start of the term unless progress payments have been arranged with the approval of the school board for the fee to be fully paid by the end of term.
- Fee arrangements for any student whose fees are not paid in full prior to the start of term must be documented in writing, with a copy available at the school.
- School Boards must sight a full list of fee arrears at each meeting.
Principals will be held responsible for implementing this policy, and Boards in their turn are responsible for oversight of fee collection for the year, and for ensuring that Principals have carried out their role in this area.
The IEA conducts spot audits of school fee collection to ensure compliance with this policy. All schools must lodge a current school fee collection policy with the IEA.