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IEA Term Dates

IEA schools follow a four-term year from January to December
Individual school calendars may vary because of professional training days taken throughout the year

                     2024 School Year

Term 1

Term 2

Wednesday 24 January to

Friday 31 March


Monday 17 April to

Friday 16 June

Term 3

 Term 4

 Monday 10 July to

Thursday 14 September


Monday 2 October to

Friday 8 December


Students will resume school for 2025 on Wednesday 22 January

                     2025 School Year

Term 1

Term 2

Wednesday 22 January to

Friday 4 April


Tuesday 22 April to

Friday 20 June

Term 3

 Term 4

 Monday 14 July to

Thursday 12 September


Monday 29 September to

Friday 5 December


Students will resume school for 2026 on Wednesday 21 January